Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sew Mama Sew Give Away Day!!

I'm participating in my 1st ever Sew Mama Sew Give Away Day.  So exciting!!!

My contribution to the festivities is this beautiful handmade tote bag.  This bag is a large one. 
13.5" high X 15" wide X 4" deep at bottom. 

It features the gorgeous Midwest Modern in pink fabric by Amy Butler.  The bottom portion and interior lining is a lightweight beige canvas.

There is one exterior pocket in the main fabric.  There are three interior canvas pockets.
The fully padded straps are long and measure approximately 28"


Three Chances to Win!
1. In the comments, tell me your favorite Christmas song and why you love it!
2.  Browse my Browntown Bags Etsy Store and add me to your favorite shop.
3.  Become a follower of this blog!

The winner will be chosen at noon on 12/17/2010 by random number.  Please make sure to leave your email address in the comments so I can contact the winner.  This drawing in only open to those in the United States. 


1 – 200 of 215   Newer›   Newest»
Celeste said...

Frosty the Snowman....becuase it just makes me dream of building that first perfect snowman of the season!

hawkeyejlp said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and entering my giveaway! I love your tote bag--count me in!

Herbal Tonya here said...

this year we are loving
all i want for chritmas is a hippopotamus
cherry kids love it

thanks for offering this bag
love it

many blessings,

Kara said...

I loved the Little Drummer Boy when I was young - I would dance around the room pretending to drum on an invisible drum!

Kristy said...

Favorite Christmas song....Mary Did You Know?....just an overwhelming and beautiful thought! :)
Thanks for the fun! Beautiful bag!

Katie said...

I follow!

deserae said...

I love Silver Bells. It just is so Christmasy, and brings up happy memories.

deserae said...

I added you to my favorites on etsy

Trinity said...

What a pretty bag! My favorite song is "The First Noel", it always has been, just because I love the music. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

My favorite Christmas song is All is Well, because I love the words, and it's absolutely beautiful! :)

Anonymous said...

I hearted your etsy shop!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog!

sarah in the woods said...

OCome O come Immanuel - it's pretty and meaningful.

Amy said...

My favorite Christmas song is Silent Night. I love singing it on Christmas Eve! Lovely bag...thanks for this giveaway. avennett AT verizon DOT net

Amy said...

I am following your blog. avennett AT verizon DOT net

Quilted Cupcake said...

Love that bag - AB's one of my favorite designers. My favorite Christmas song is "White Christmas" - love the movie, it's just so classic! Thanks for hosting the giveaway! Jean @ Quilted Cupcake.

Quilted Cupcake said...

Oh, and I'm a follower, too!

Karen P. said...

wow. I'm the first commenter? and a fellow pa. gal too! my favorite christmas song is, silent night.

Amanda said...

I love Rudolph because my son can sing along!!

Amanda said...

I'm a new follower! {My seam ripper doesn't leave my hand I feel like!}


Erin Marie said...

My favorite Christmas song is "O Holy Night" sung by NSYNC. I love their harmonies and the acapella... It's amazing.

What a pretty bag!

erin m shipley at gmail dot com

Becky McNeill said...

I love Frosty the Snowman because it is fun to dance to with my girls!
I'm hosting a giveaway too, so pop on over if you have some time...

Katie said...

My new favorite song, which I heard for the first time this year is "Dominick the Italian Christmas Donkey" If you haven't heard it you really should, it's hilarious.

Desiree said...

This is so cute. I love it. My favorite Christmas song is "When Love came down at Christmas" by point of grace. I love it because it reminds me of the true meaning of Christmas. And its a beautiful son. Thank you for the chance to win!


valerie said...

Love the bag! I love "Silent Night." No real reason it just wouldn't be Christmas without it I guess!

Stefanie said...

Your Etsy shop is in my favorites!

And my favorite Christmas song is Jingle Bell Rock!


Tara said...

My favorite xmas song is Jungle Bells.

Sara said...

O come O come Emmanuel - because i did a beautifully choreographed dance piece to it and that performance is a special memory.

Stephany said...

Let it Snow and I love it because it is so romantic!

Sara said...

Baby It's Cold Outside because it's very nostalgic and catchy!!

Jill said...

O come O come Emmanuel. I think it speaks to both the sometimes messed up world we live in and the hope that there is for it.

Jennifer said...

Oh Come All Ye Faithful is my favorite. Gives me chills thinking about going to visit the newborn king!

sukie said...

My favorite holiday song is Mariah Carey all I want for christmas. Thanks for the chance to win! (

Charissa said...

My favorite Christmas song is Joy to the World. I think I fell in love with it as a child because Joy is my middle name, but still love it because the lyrics are so rich with meaning.

Beautiful bag!


Heather said...

I'm a follower of your blog.

Heather said...

I added your shop to my favorites on Etsy!

Lindsay Conner said...

Nice bag--I could fit a lot of crafty supplies in there! My fave Xmas song is God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, because I just like the way it sounds.

Lindsay Conner said...

I added your Etsy shop to my favorites (Roots Collective)

Heather said...

Heather - I love all Christmas songs really. I love to listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving - I'm one of "those" people :) I do love "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas", and "Oh Holy Night".

Lindsay Conner said...

Also, I'll be following you!

Skooks said...

MY favorite Christmas song is O Holy Night . . . or whichever one my 3 year old is butchering at the moment. It's sweet to hear her attempt to sing any songs. :)


molly mckelfresh said...

Love O Holy Night.. it's just so pretty!

Christine said...

I love the bag and Amy Butler fabrics!! My favorite Christmas song is Jingle Bells b/c I can play it on the piano!!

Christine said...

I'm following your blog now!

Christine said...

And I heart your etsy shop now - so many pretty things!!

Amorette said...

i love the scrooge song from muppet christmas carol because it is so funny- i love that movie!
asdrexler at gmail dot com

Amorette said...

follow via GFC

Lizzie Bordello said...

This looks so well made! I love the fabric/canvas combo.
Bing doing "White Christmas" will always be classic.

KD-Quilts said...

I like Baby It's Cold's fun to sing a long to!

Jenna Z said...

I LOVE Christmas music so picking a favorite is hard. But lately I've been drawn toward the slower songs. This morning, I ran on the treadmill to Away in a Manger and almost teared up!

Sarah said...

Such cute gifts! My birthday is Dec 17th, and winning would make the day extra-special.

I love "I'm Like A Lion" by Relient K. It has such a good message and a catchy melody.

Denise said...

Favorite song - probably All I Want for Christmas [Is you] - it's just so catchy! Or Santa baby for the same reasons, lol.

Ammieloris said...

What a lovely tote. Thanks for the chance to win. My fave Christmas song is Oh Come Emmanuel/Behold a Tiny Baby because I sang that "mash up" when I was a child in a children's choir and it was so fun and beautiful (to me).

Rebecca said...

I love Carol of the Bells. It's so dramatic and really fun to listen to!

Joanna said...

This year I am really into the Charlie Brown Christmas song, Christmas Time Is Here. I don't know why, but I can't get it out of my head and am loving it!!!

Meadow said...

I love the Hawaiian version of 12 days of Christmas. How can you not love fiiiivvveeee biiiigggg fat pigs!!!

nachoandtdog at gmail dot com

Stacy said...

I love Last Christmas because it's just soooooo cheesy.

Grace said...

Love the bag! I love pink.
Walking in a Winter Wonderland - just cheery and makes me feel happy.

A'n'G Johnson said...

such a cute bag!!! My favorite Christmas song is Chorus of the Bells - because of the harmony. It is one of the few choir songs I didn't get sick of by the time we had to perform it. I also love santa baby - but thats because its fun to sing at karoke


Kristin said...

Baby, It's Cold Outside. It's just so catchy and Christmassy to me, and really fun to sing! =)

Gorgeous bag!


Violet said...

I love Sleigh Ride. I think I just love the beat it's so happy and cheerful and perfect fun for Christmas.

Bailey said...

Jingle Bells

jabeybaby said...

Mary did you know is my favorite Christmas song, it really shows the true reason for the season!

Leigh said...

My all time favorite is O Holy Night. There are so many versions but for some reason that song is just so uplifting (and I'm not even all that religious!)

Leigh said...

And I "hearted" your Etsy Shop!

Cary said...

My favorite Christmas song is "O Come All Ye Faithful." It is a call to worship that I find meaningful. It's also a song my son used to ask me to sing to him every night before he went to sleep. He's grown now and no longer needs me to sing hi to sleep! :), but the memory is precious.

TheFancyFritter said...

Love this bag! I'm going on a cruise in Feb. & it would be perfect! :-) My favorite Christmas song is Carol of the Bells b/c it is just a classic to me! So pretty! Thanks so much!

Mary said...

Must Be Santa by Mitch Miller and the Gang b/c we listened to it growing up...on cassette tape!

Cat G. said...

O Holy Night for sure. It is just so beautiful, I get goose bumps when it is done well.

Thanks for the beautifu bag giveaway!

racergirl1313 at hotmail dot com

Stacy said...

The Seam Ripper diaries? That sounds like the story of my sewing! LOL ! My favorite song is "Silent Night" because I think that it reminds us of the reason for the season. Thanks for the chance to win!

Melissa Zeffer said...

Thank you for the wonderful opportunity! My favorite christmas song is Baby Its Cold Outside. Ive always loved to duet! Happy holidays!

Melissa Zeffer said...

I am now following your blog :)

Erika said...

My absolute favorite Christmas song is O Holy Night. I love the chills I get when someone sings it well.

Jenny said...

My favorite Christmas song is Carol of the Bells, it gets stuck in my head all season long and I'm always humming it!


Jenny said...

I added you to my list of favorite shops on etsy! Love your bags, so cute!


Amy said...

Oh Holy Night. It gives me the shivers.


redzshadow said...

This is a lovely bag. My favorite Christmas song is jingle bells. I like it because you can and in batman smells.

Sarah M said...

I love Pearl Jams song "Please Let Me Sleep, It's Christmas Time" I think the title says it all really, lol!


Lomagirl said...

"Oh, Holy Night." It's so rich and tuneful, and brings back childhood memories.

Cal said...

I could use this bag as a diaper bag, given how many pockets it has!
My favorite Christmas song has always been Deck The Halls, as it is very upbeat.

Rebecca said...

I like O Christmas Tree. Great bag!

rofishman -at- gmail -dot- com

Shana Putnam said...

My favorite Christmas song is Mary Did You know because I think it just says it all and is so powerful. I love the bag so much by the way.

Shana Putnam said...

I added you to my fave shops.

barneyn said...

my favorite song is Silent Night Holy Night! thanks for the giveaway!

nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

barneyn said...

my favorite item is the Hot Chocolate Wristlet! thanks!

nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

Jenn Miyamoto said...

My favorite Christmas song is O Come All Ye Faithful because it quickly brings the spirit of Christmas into my home and heart.

moonsword said...

my favorite song is The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) by Nat King Cole because it was my Dad's favorite Christmas song.
thanks for the giveaway!

Joy said...

I like the song Christmas Shoes because it shows the true meaning of Christmas!

Karen said...

My favorite song is Baby It's Cold Outside because I love the harmonizing.

Happy holidays!

camelama said...

Oh, what a sweet bag!

My favorite Christmas song is "Hacia Belen va un borrico", a Spanish carol about a burro being mischevious.

CMEH said...

Fave christmas song is Blue Christmas because I LOVE ELVIS! Just fun to sing the background inthat song... never gets old at least not to me... not sure about the others around me! Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway! LOVE THE BAG!

CMEH said...

now an etsy fave!
Thanks again

Lindsey G said...

wow, gorgeous bag! I love "Mary, did you know?" because I just gave birth to a baby boy and it hits home!

grl_4_God at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

My fave Christmas song is Far Far Away on Judea's Plain because it is just such a fun song to sing!

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

Jingle said...

I love Silver Bells because it describes the perfect Christmas scene and makes me feel like I'm standing right there! I love it! jinglesells at gmail dot com

Jingle said...

My favorite thing in your shop is the adorable hot chocolate wristlet!
jinglesells at gmail dot com

Danni said...

I am a follower~

Danni said...

My favorite Christmas song is Walking in a Winter Wonderland - so many great lyrics...romance, fun, joy - love it!

Carpenters said...

Your bag is simply scrumptious. My favorite Christmas song is Silent Night. It always helps me prepare my heart for the peace and joy that Christmas means. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

StephanieS said...

My favorite Christmas song is O Come O Come Emmanuel. I love it because of the lyrics and it is just beautiful to listen to. It's a great bag. Thanks for the chance to win. Happy Christmas. stephspitzer at gmail dot com

Beth- the mama bee said...

beautiful bag!

I like elvis's Blue Christmas. I guess because it was one of my mom's favorites.

Megan said...

I love this bag! I need more tote bags. I think my favorite song is Frosty the Snowman from the original classic movie. It's been a part of Christmas-time my whole life, and now my daughter also enjoys that movie/song. Thanks!


Megan said...

I'm a new follower!

Just One said...

Right now it's "The Friendly Beasts" until our preschool program is over :) I love listening to the little 3 and 4 year old voices singing. I hope they manage to sing at the program!

Laura said...

Sleigh ride...just the instrumental version! It's so lovely.

Thanks for the giveaway!

orinoco14 at yahoo dot com

Rebecca said...

what a beautiful bag- my fav Christmas son is The Little Drummer Boy

cannonsc3 (at)gmail (dot).com

Rebecca said...

I am now following your blog!

cannonsc3 (at)gmail (dot).com

Jerri said...

Great bag! Love the fabric! I like Silen Night, very peaceful.

Margaret said...

"Silver Bells" Just puts me in the holiday mood

cjsjaksmom said...

Wow! I love it Erin! I didn't know you had your own business going! Cool! I will check out your Etsy shop now. I love Etsy. :-) My email is

Monica B said...

Thanks for doing a giveaway! That bag is gorgeous! I really love any Christmas music. My favorite is probably "Oh Holy Night" on the piano.

cjsjaksmom said...

Oh, geez. I don't read directions very well. My favorite Christmas carol is Hark the Harold Angels Sing. No particular reason, just love to hear it!

Leigh Anne said...

What a lovely bag! My fav song is O Holy Night - I just think that it is a beautiful reminder of the reason for the season :)

jenn said...

Mele Kalikimaka is my favorite! It's from White Christmas. Classic! thanks :)

jenn said...

i'm your newest follower!

Leigh Anne said...

I hearted you on etsy...btw, love the the name of your blog...right up my alley!

Addy said...

O Come, O Come Emmanuel!

Cute bag!


Michelle {Daydream Believers} said...

What a fantastic bag! :) My favorite Christmas song is "All I Want for Christmas Is You" by Myriah Carey. Thanks for the chance to win!

Amber said...

I love Silent Night. It is classically beautiful; timeless.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Ambersewwonky at yahoo dot com

Alyssa said...

O Holy Night. I'm not very religious, but it just has a great harmony and reverberation when it is sung/played.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Amanda said...

I love O Holy Night... probably because it reminds me of going to church on Christmas eve, and it is sooo beautiful!

sandandstarfish said...

I love O Holy Night but my faaaaaavorite is Happy Holidays by Andy Williams. I love to echo him when he says, Happy Holidays... *happy holidays*... I sing it all the time!

sandandstarfish said...

I am in LOVE with your Busy Bee Make up Bag! The print is adorable!

sandandstarfish said...

New happy happy follower :) Thanks for hosting! The bag you're giving away is beautiful!

yshaloo said...

The theme song to The Grinch, it just makes me laugh and laugh.

Serena said...

I love the name of your blog. It should be the tagline for every sewing blog. ;)

I love the song O Come Emmanuel. I love the words, I love the music. It gives me goosebumps.

Thank you for the giveaway! (my email is in my profile)

Anonymous said...

white christmas by bing crosby
it just warms my heart and i could listen to it for hours. reminds me of christmas when i was a kid

Tina said...

Love the name of your blog!!
My fave song is Angels We Have Heard on High because it has a pretty alto line.

Crystal Hendrix said...

What a beautiful bag! the pink and green go well together!

I am having a giveaway too!! Come check it out if you like.

Crystal Hendrix said...

I am now a follower and then I forgot the song....

I saw mommy kissing Santa clause...the country version, it has been in my head all season!

Crystal Hendrix said...

I like everything in your shop....I like the charm totes :D I think the hot chocolate wristlet is very cute! :D

That Girl said...

I love Merry Christmas, baby by Bruce Springsteen. I don't know why. Maybe its because I was born and raised in NJ.

Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.

kalviene (at) gmail (dot) com

Marilyn said...

My favorite Christmas song is "Joy to the World" because I get to sing about who Christmas is truly about. Thanks for the chance to win!

Becks said...

O Holy Night is my all time favorite Christmas song. I just love the melody and how it builds to something grand. Gives me chills whenever I hear it. :o) Lovely giveaway... this bag is fantastic!

Becks said...

I am now a follower.

Becks said...

Wow! Just browsed your shop and am HAPPY to add your shop to my favorites. I cannot wait until the holidays are over and I can start buying for myself! LOL

K@ren said...

I love the Christmas Waltz sung by Nancy Wilson. So romantically beautiful and a perfect song to describe how I feel about the world at this time of the year.

Thank you for such a great giveaway! Happy holidays to you and yours! xox


K@ren said...

I also added you to my store fav's on Etsy.


JuneBug said...

My current fave song is Deck the Halls because my little baby loves to sing the Falalala part and it always cracks me up!

jshen37 at gmail dot com

Laura said...

I love large tote bags!

Favorite Christmas song is Mary Did You Know. Amazing lyrics.

Lora said...

Thank you so much for the giveaway. I really like that bag! I love all of the Christmas songs, but Holly, Jolly Christmas is coming to mind. It's so upbeat and festive.

Kelly O. said...

Marshmallow world is my fave christmas song because my kids just dig it!

I think this is a GREAT giveaway!
Merry Christmas!

freckleface said...

I love I want a hippopotamus for Christmas!
fleurdelulu at gmail dot com

Theresa said...

Loved visiting your blog - your items are beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win! Favorite song is Silent Night.

Theresa said...

Love the Charm Tote i Blue

Kate said...

Such a generous giveaway! I love the 12 Days of Christmas. My family always sings it and each person gets their own verse. Kate

Anonymous said...

Dominic the donkey because it reminds me of being a kid!

Paper Tiger said...

I love "Lo, how a rose e'er blooming," for no special reason except it's not very common and it's good for choral singing. (Lovely bag!)

azviatx said...

I was wondering what type of "grandma's" diaper bag to get for the birth of my first grandboy in about 12 days! Now, I know. This is perfect for me to carry around all his stuff and look stylish doing it. Love it. Tina
Elivis' Blue Christmas. I mean, it's Elvis. Nothing more to say!

Brigette said...

Rockin Around the Christmas tree is so fun and lively!

Leanna said...

What child is this - haunting and sweet.

cat song said...

All I want for Christmas is You! It's cute and lovey-dovey... perfect for the holidays :)

Melissa Corry said...

I love My Christmas Wish :)

Robyn said...

I like "All I want for Christmas is You" because you can chance the you into just about anything.

Thanks for the giveaway! Robyn (dot) Geddes (at) gmail (dot) com

Danielle said...

I love Rudolph right now because my 3 year old loves that song and keeps trying to sing it. We even sing a variation of it called Rudolph the red nose caribou. (I explained that caribou and reindeers are the same and that spun into a 2nd song)

Danielle said...

I favorited your shop!

jhitomi said...

love the Little Drummer Boy, that parumpumpumpum chant gets me every time.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My favorite Christmas song is Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. I love it because it feels simple and that's what I strive more most each holiday season - just to keep things simple! Like your cute bag!!

Kayla Greene said...

I love Amy Butler Fabrics!
My favorite Christmas song is Let It Snow.


Beth Hawks said...

Baby It's Cold Outside - the new Glee version... I'm not sure why I like it... but I'm not a huge fan of Xmas music, so that makes it extra good.

Beth Hawks said...

I favorited your shop on Etsy - lots of great items. You have a good eye for fabric!

Margeepoo said...

'Oh Holy Night' is the best. I'm not sure why, I just like it. Beautiful tote bag.

Lynda said...

Love white christmas because its a classic!

lmr3683 at hotmail dot com

Amy said...

Love this bag! Favorite Christmas song is Marshmallow World by Bing Crosby.

Emily Cole said...

My favorite Christmas song is Oh Holy Night... I just love the melody, and love to sing it! I also like the fun ones like Hippopotamus for Christmas and the Chipmunks Christmas song. I think that bag is gorgeous! Thanks for having a giveaway!

Emily Cole said...

OH - I became a follower too!

Emily Cole said...

I also added your shop to my favorites - you have a lot of really cute bags there. The charm pack bags are so neat!

Pam said...

Little Drummer Boy ..because I love singing pa rumparum. Hmm I bet you can tell I'm a lousy singer :)

Thanks for the chance to win your wonderful bag.

Laurie said...

My favorite song is Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses. It has a catchy beat and when my kids were all still at home, it was on a tape we would play as we drove around the neighborhoods looking at Christmas lights

Kelli said...

O Holy Night - b/c when I get to singing the part where it says: "Fall on your knees..." I always tear up. In that moment I always feel this overwhelming sense of surrender to God.

nellana said...

I love the song "how many kings" by Down Here.

.hil. said...

I love the song "Go tell it on the Mountain"- because when I was little we were singing it in church and I was belting it out so loud the guy in front of my mother asked if I was part of the choir! Maybe I was getting a little too into the song!


♥Duff said...

My favorite Christmas song is Rockin Around the Christmas Tree; it cracks me up and makes me want to dance!

♥Duff said...

I did browse your store and add you as a favorite shop (junecleaver24). May I make a suggestion? Add the drop of the bag handle to the listing--I know that I need at least 12" for it to be comfortable. I see you've just opened shop--congratulations and best wishes with this venture!

Vicki said...

cool bag! My fave Christmas song... one I never hear--Pine Cones and Holly Berries. :) We sang it in elementary school.

Anonymous said...

My fave Christmas song is Away in the Manger, when I learned to sign it as a kid for church for some reason i became special to me

Loree said...

This year Jingle Bells is a favorite -- esp. when a just turned 4 yr old is interpreting the words!

Angela D. said...

My favorite xmas song is "all I want for christmas" by mariah carey. I usually don't like her music, but this song is so upbeat and happy. Makes me smile and sing along every time I hear it.

Sonja said...

One of my favorite Christmas songs is Mary Did You is interesting to me to think about what it must have been like to be pregnant with the Saviour of the world. And I think I'm under a lot of pressure! WEW!


Auntie Em said...

Baby it's cold outside

b/c hubby loves to sing it to me :)

Auntie Em said...

hearted your shop!

Micmacker said...

"Susie Snowflake" as sung by Rosemary Clooney (because my daughter loves it so much). Happy holidays!

Micmacker said...

Following your blog - and that bag is bee-yoo-tee-full!

Camille said...

My faaaaavorite Christmas song is "Where are you Christmas" sung my Cindy Lou Who in the new version of the Grinch!
cam22190 at gmail

josiey said...

my favorite christmas song is the chipmunk song, its just so funny!


thank you for the giveaway!
happy holidays!

josiey said...

i'm a follower now too! love your blog!


thank you for the giveaway!
happy holidays!

Anonymous said...

I love a lot of Christmas songs - one of my favorites is Silent Night, I don't know why - I guess because it is so peaceful.
If you'd like to enter my giveaway as well, I'm giving away fabric coasters and Heather Ross scraps at

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog. :)

Meghan said...

I love the bag! My favorite Christmas song is Mary's Song.

LauraH said...

What a great tote, I would love to win it!

Melanie said...

Baby its cold outside! Thank you for the chance.

Mare said...

My favorite songs are Oh Holy Night and Do you Hear What I Hear.

mare460 at

Sharon said...

Beautiful bag! I don't really have a favorite Christmas song, but I love "Baby, It's Cold Outside." A great duet for winter. My favorite version is by Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Jordan.

Nanbon44 said...

Silver Bells.... years ago my two best friends and myself met at the mall and went into one of those recording studios and recorded the song, we had so much fun and every time I hear it I think of the three of us....

Mary said...

I love the bag! It would be great to carry around my toddlers things and still look hip. One of my favorite songs is Hark the Herald Angel sing. It was the first Christmas carol I ever learned as a kid.

Jblanton said...

My favorite Christmas song is Silent Night- I love the words and the tune so pretty

Jblanton said...

following your blog


Jenny said...

Christmas Time Is Here Again by shawn colvin...soo soothing and calms my holiday crazed nerves! great bag

Katie said...

I love the drummer boy by Giovanni because the drums are so cool to listen too especially when the bass is up, it gives me goosebumps.mknield @ gmail . com

Anonymous said...

Great bag! I love the fabric choice! My favorite song is Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer because it is my daughters favorite to sing. I love to listed to her sing this song all year! julie(at)mattandjulie(dot)org

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